Vem Cá Mulher

Our Mission

Our dream is to contribute to the empowerment of women in business, with more and more women becoming entrepreneurs and carving out their spaces in the professional world.


+ 1500 Empowered women
+ 105 Capable entrepreneurs
+ 640 Training hours
+154 Mentoring hours

Our Project

Vem Cá Mulher Market Fair

Showcase your products/services, increase visibility, and connect with like-minded entrepreneurs. Elevate your business and make meaningful connections in a supportive community.

Vem Cá Mulher Community

It connects products and services from female businesses through digital toolsbetween entrepreneurs and companies with the aim of promoting trade, networking,and sales.

“Empresa Arretada” Program

Developing solutions in female entrepreneurship for the value chain (employees andfamily members, surrounding communities, suppliers).

"Encourage a Woman"

Help a woman to be an entrepreneur and/or reintegrate into the job market. With yourinvestments, we can make courses, training, support networks, and reception possible.


For Companies

An unprecedented and Innovative Project in Ceará
Company images will be associated with Social Impact and SDGs within themarket
Expanding the perspective of a purpose-driven Company
Increased revenue from female customers
Greater loyalty from all stakeholders, including female customers
Enhanced ability to recruit and retain talent

For Women

Autonomy and empowerment to pursue their dreams
Generate income
Financial independence
Create jobs for other women